August Bank Holiday Status 2023, Messages, Quotes, Bank Holidays in Ireland 2023 – It is finally here, August Bank Holiday. Last week of summer vacation. Whether you are staying or moving, we wish you a pleasant break! Hopefully, the weather will not do the trick, and be kind to us! Happy Holiday Weekend to all!

Ireland Bank Holidays 2023

1 JanWedNew Year’s Day
17 MarTueSaint Patrick’s Day
13 AprMonEaster Monday
4 MayMonMay Day
1 JunMonJune Bank Holiday
3 AugMonAugust Bank Holiday
26 OctMonOctober Bank Holiday
25 DecFriChristmas Day
26 DecSatSt Stephen’s Day

When a public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday – many people believe that the upcoming Monday is considered a public holiday. But this is not the case.

2023 Public Holidays Ireland Service

August Bank Holiday Status 2020 | Bank Holidays in Ireland 2020
August Bank Holiday Status 2022 | Bank Holidays in Ireland 2022

Ireland has a list of declared public holidays, including federal, regional government holidays, and popular supervision.

Public holidays are celebrated differently in two parts. The Republic of Ireland has nine official public holidays while Northern Ireland has ten official public holidays.

On public holidays, offices, schools and businesses are closed. During a public holiday, they are entitled to a paid day off, working for a period of time. Where a public holiday falls on a weekend, it is celebrated as the following week’s holiday.

What are bank and public holidays?

Bank holidays are when banks and many other businesses close for the day. Public holidays are those that have been observed through custom and practice, such as Christmas Day.

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