Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi – Few times are more important to us than the Happy birthday of a loved one that you would want to send your best wishes on their special day. If you choose a card or send a birthday flower, make it special by writing thoughtful and original birthday wishes for best friend boy & girl. Need some inspiration? We are here to help you with a list of popular quotes, messages, and poems to wish you a happy birthday Status.
- Birthday Wish for a friend
- Happy birthday wishes for love
- Wish you many many happy returns of the day
- Happy birthday wishes for lover
Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi
लो आज इतनी सी दुआ है खुदा से हमारी, ज़िंदगी में भर जाए आपके खुशियाँ सारी, जनमदिन पे मिले आपको सब अपनो को प्यार, ओर होठों पे आए मुस्कान सब से प्यारी!!
दीपक मे नूर ना होता, तन्हा दिल इतना मजबूर ना होता, हम आपको खुद Birthday Wish करने आते, यदि आपका आशियाना इतनी दूर ना होता!!
दोस्त तू है मेरा सबसे न्यारा, तुझे मुबारक हो तेरा जन्मदिन यारा, मेरे भी ना नज़र लगे तुझे, कभी उदास ना हो तेरे यह चेहरा जो बड़ा है प्यारा!!
फूलों ने अमृत का जाम भेजा है, तारों ने गगन से सलाम भेजा है, खुशियों भरी हो जिंदगी आपकी, यहे दिल से हमने पैगाम भेजा है!!
जन्मदिन के ये ख़ास लम्हें मुबारक, आँखों में बसे नए ख्वाब मुबारक, जिंदगी जो लेकर आई है आपके लिए आज, वो तमाम खुशियों की हसीन सौगात मुबारक!!
बहुत दूर है तुमसे, पर दिल तुम्हारे पास है. जिस्म पड़ा है यहां, पर रूह तुम्हारे पास है. जन्मदिन है तुम्हारा, पर जश्न हमारे पास है. जुदा है एक-दूसरे से हम, पर फिर भी तुम हमारे पास, और हम तुम्हारे पास है!!
फूल खिलते रहें ज़िंदगी की राह में, हँसी चमकती रहे आपकी निगाह में, कदम कदम पर मिले खुशी की बाहर आपको, दिल देता है यही दुआ बार-बार आपको!!
जन्मदिन???? के ये ख़ास लम्हें मुबारक, आँखों में बसे नए ख्वाब मुबारक, जिंदगी जो लेकर आई है आपके लिए आज, वो तमाम खुशियों की हंसीं सौगात मुबारक
आसमान की बुलंदियों पर नाम हो आपका, चांद की धरती पर मुकाम हो आपका, हम तो रहते है छोटी-सी दुनिया में, पर ईश्वर करें सारा जहान हो आपका, जन्मदिन???? की बहोत बहोत शुभकामनायें
Birthday wishes to a best friend girl
दोस्त तू है मेरा सबसे न्यारा, तुझे मुबारक हो तेरा जन्मदिन???? ओ यारा, किसी की कभी नजर ना लगे तुझे, कभी उदास ना हो ये चहेरा प्यारा प्यारा, जन्मदिन की बहोत बहोत शुभकामनायें
ऐ भगवान मेरे यार का दामन खुशियों से सझा दे, उसके जन्मदिन पर उसी की कोई रजा दें, दर पर तेरे आऊँगा हर साल, सिर्फ इतना कर कि, उसको गिले की ना कोई वज़ह दें,
हर ख़ुशी ख़ुशी मांगे आपसे, जिंदगी जिंदा दिली मांगे आपसे, उजाला हो मुक़द्दर में आपके इतना, की चाँद भी रोशनी मांगे आपसे. Happy Birthday My Lovely Friend
यही दुआ करता हूँ खुदा से, आपकी जिंदगी में कोई गम न हो, जन्मदिन पर मिले हजारों खुशियाँ, चाहे उनमें शामिल हम न हों। Happy B’day friend!.
हर ख़ुशी ख़ुशी मांगे आपसे, जिंदगी जिंदा दिली मांगे आपसे, उजाला हो मुक़द्दर में आपके इतना, की चाँद भी रोशनी मांगे आपसे., Happy Birthday My Friend.
मैं लिख दू तुम्हारी उम्र चाँद सितारों से…मैं मनाऊ जन्मदिन तुम्हारा फूल बहारों से, ऐसी खूबसूरती दुनिया से लेकर आऊ मैं, के सारी महफ़िल सज जाए हसीं नजारो से
फूलो सा महकता रहे, हमेशा जीवन तुम्हारा, खुशिया चूमे कदम तुम्हरे, बहुत सारा प्यार और आशीर्वाद हमारा, जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं
जीवन के रास्ते हमेशा गुलज़ार रहें!!, चेहरे पर आपके सदा ही मुस्कान रहे!!, देता है दिल यह दुआ आपको!!, ज़िन्दगी में हर दिन खुशियों की बहार रहे!!, जन्मदिन मुबारक हो!!
आशाओं के दीप जले!! आशीर्वाद उपहार मिले!! वर्षगाँठ हैं आपकी!! शुभकामनाओ से प्यार मिले!! जन्मदिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये!! “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
Happy birthday wishes for best friend male
जन्मदिन के ये ख़ास लम्हें मुबारक!! आँखों में बसे नए ख्वाब मुबारक!! जिंदगी जो लेकर आई है आपके लिए आज!! वो तमाम खुशियों की हंसीं सौगात!!! status on happy birthday cute girl
जन्मदिन के शुभ अवसर पर! भेंट करू क्या उपहार तुम्हे!! बस ऐसे ही स्वीकार कर लेना! लाखों लाखों प्यार तुम्हे!! जनमदिन की बहुत बहुत बधाई तुम्हे!!
मुस्कुराती रहे ये ज़िंदगी तुम्हारी!! ये दुआ है हर पल खुदा से हमारी!! फूलो से सज़ी हो हर राह तुम्हारी!! जिस से महके हर सुबह और शाम तुम्हारी!! “Happy Birthday”
हर राह तुम्हारी आसान हो, हर राह पर तुम्हारी खुशिओ की बहार हो, हर दिन तुम्हारा खुबसूरत हो, खुशहाल तुम्हारा पुरा जीवन हो, ऐसा ही तुम्हारा हर जिन्मदिन हो। status on happy birthday cute girl
मैं आपकी सच्ची दोस्ती के लिए आभारी हूं। आशा है कि आपका जन्मदिन बेहद खास है क्योंकि आप मेरे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त हैं।
जब तुम्हारा चेहरा सामने आया मेरा दिल तुम्हे देख मुस्कुराया, शुक्रिया करता हूँ मैं अपने उस खुदा का जिसने मुझे तुमसे मिलाया। status on happy birthday cute girl
हर जन्मदिन पर आप अलग नज़र आते हो क्यों की मैं हमेशा अपना चश्मा पहनना भूल जाता हूँ मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ। जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये
जीवन बहुत छोटा है। हर पल का आनंद लो, दोस्त। हमेशा खुश रहो। अपना आत्मविश्वास न खोएं। हमेशा आगे बढ़ो। आपको जन्मदिन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
हस्ते हुए चेहरे पर ग़म भी है प्यारी आँखे कभी नम भी है दुआ करते हैं आपकी हसी कभी न थामे क्योंकि आपकी मुस्कुराहट के दीवाने हम भी है।
Birthday wishes for best friend female
आसमान की बुलंदियों पर नाम हो तुम्हारा, चांद की धरती पर मुकाम हो तुम्हारा, हम तो रहते है छोटे से जहाँ मे पर रब करें सारा जहाँ हो आपका।
आ तेरे तकदीर लिख दूँ मैं चाँद सितारों से, तेरा खास दिन मनाऊं मैं फूलों से बहारों से, आज सजाऊं ये महफ़िल मैं हर हसीन नजारों से।
I hope your special day will bring you great joy, love, and happiness. You deserve them so much. Enjoy!
Everything is fun and bright. May you have a happy birthday. status on happy birthday cute girl
Never change! Stay as amazing as you are, my friend, status on happy birthday cute girl
Let us light candles and celebrate this special day of your life. status on happy birthday cute girl.
Here is a sweet and lovable person I know. Happy Birthday!, status on happy birthday cute girl
We wish you a happy birthday to my best friend, whom I care so much about! status on happy birthday cute girl
Wherever your feet can take you, whatever effort you put into it. It will always be successful. status on happy birthday cute girl.
Happy birthday wishes for friend in Hindi
May this special day bring you endless joy and tons of precious memories!
You are so special that you need to float with a big smile on your lovely face. Happy Birthday.
It’s as simple as ABC; today makes a lot of sense for you, Happy Birthday.
Let all your dreams be on fire and light your birthday candles with that. Have a happy birthday.
May you continue to progress as a person each passing year. We wish you a happy birthday.
Today is the birthday of a person who spreads happiness and confidence all around. May your birthday and your health be as happy as you are!
Happy Birthday! Here is a bright, healthy and exciting future!
Happiness is in the air because your special day has arrived!
I wish my friend a very happy birthday and you don’t need to say out loud that I am also your best friend. I love you, darling.
Happy birthday wishes for best friend boy
Thank you for being such a good son to me. I am very lucky to have a wonderful son like you.
The years we shared as teenagers are like a treasure to me. I remember every moment of our laughter. Happy Birthday, my dear friend.
Your birthday comes once a year, so make sure this is the most memorable and have a colorful day. birthday wishes for best friend boy
I think you will look really good when you are older. So don’t be upset by the way you look now. Happy Birthday my friend!
I have no words to describe what I hear about you. Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me. birthday wishes for best friend boy
Today I wish you a happy, shared time with your loved ones, and lifelong happiness! birthday wishes for best friend boy
I’ve always wanted to be a great friend like you. But there is no way to be a better friend than you are in the world. Happy Birthday.
Enjoy another trip around the sun! birthday wishes for best friend boy, birthday wishes for best friend girl
Today is about you. I can’t wait to celebrate you all day! birthday wishes for best friend girl
Emotional birthday wishes for best friend
My wish for you is to get all your birthday wishes this year
We will drink [add your favorite BBF drink] as if it was yo birthday, birthday wishes for best friend boy
I hope you are treated like the queen you are today, my friend
We wish you a very happy birthday and much more in the past year!
Happy birthday to my ride or die. I love you bunches! birthday wishes for best friend boy
Happy Birthday! Here is life, love, and many sacrifices to come with you! birthday wishes for best friend boy
We wish you 24 hours of happiness, or worth it for the rest of your life.
It’s your birthday and you seem to be having fun every year. Thank you for being such a great friend. Enjoy your special day!
I hope your day is important and everyone treats you well. We wish you all the best on your birthday. birthday wishes for best friend boy
Birthday wishes for childhood friend
All the best! My first wish for you is good health. This is to ensure that I have many birthdays to celebrate with you, so I wish you the best of luck!
May this day be as beautiful as you. May this cake be as sweet as you. And may this birthday party be remembered just like you. I love you forever.
Many exciting benefits. I am sending you a bunch of warm wishes. Enjoy your most special day.
Be yourself. You’re perfect the way you are. In all the years of knowledge, you will never change for the worse. You are always changing for the better. Always love, kissing.
Congratulations on being a year old. In this year of your life, make sure you catch every moment and overcome all the challenges that come your way. The sky is not the limit when it comes to you
We wish you tons of happiness on your birthday. May your cake be more delicious than ever and your gifts can bring you a smile.
I hope this day brings you all the desires of your heart. Surround yourself with loved ones and magical memories.
Let us celebrate the best gift of your life and be grateful for the moments we share. Have a happy birthday!
He brings joy to the world and joy to my heart. May you receive a double blessing on your birthday. Have fun! birthday wishes for best friend girl.
Happy birthday wishes for best friend in Marathi
This year on your birthday, I wrap your gifts with a lot of love. We wish you a prosperous future and many more birthdays to come.
It’s your birthday and you can celebrate whatever you want. Have fun and take every moment life gives you.
May this birthday be a good celebration for you. birthday wishes for best friend girl
We wish you a happy birthday and a truck full of gifts. birthday wishes for best friend girl
In all that you do, I appreciate you: We wish you a birthday wishes for best friend girl
Sending you a vibrant birthday sundae with an epic cherry on top.
May your birthday bring you a cake, candles, and a year when all your most cherished dreams come true.
I hope you rock your birthday by doing whatever you want. Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi
May your hopes and dreams come true on your birthday
Sending you love of birth and a hug more than you can count.
Happy birthday wishes SMS
I hope you have a birthday variety of amazeballs.
May your birthday be and may your gifts be extraordinary.
Smooth posting on your special day.
We wish you a very bad badass birthday.
Sending birthday vibes with five high days and warm feelings.
Trusting that your birthday blessings far outweigh any expectations.
Great wishes for a birthday better than ice cream.
We wish you a happy birthday from start to finish.
May your special day be all you want, and may you be blessed with everything you need.
Advance happy birthday wishes
We wish you a piece of heaven for your birthday and a cake with extra ice cream. happy birthday Status
Sending you a big barrel of love today and hoping your birthday is as awesome as it really is.
We wish you the sun, moon, and stars for your birthday. happy birthday Status
Happy birthday to someone who makes other people happy all year round – and I am definitely one of them! happy birthday Status
It is a cliché to say that a person continues to get better with age. But, you, and it’s the absolute truth. Have a birthday for years!
Next year you are sure to have some new, new discoveries, and many surprises. I can’t wait to share the journey with you regularly
Am I thinking of you today because of your birthday? Actually, I am not. I would have thought of you today even if it wasn’t your birthday. Be good anyway!
When I look back on the happiest days of my life, they often have one thing in common: You were a part of them. Happy Birthday my friend!
Indeed, we go back many years and many birthdays. However, I am sure that, for both of us, the best is still ahead.
Happy birthday wishes gif
Birthday is a time of renewal, a time of hope, and a time of hearing for those who love you. In fact, whenever I’m with you, I feel like it’s my birthday.
You have been a rock to me: you are kind, honest, intelligent, funny, and willing to lend a sensitive ear. I was lucky enough to call you my friend – and I was lucky enough to call you. We wish you a happy birthday!
My dear friend, I want you to know that you mean so much to me and I will always love you.
You and I have shared a bond built on love and mutual respect. Today I feel so happy for your birthday! All the best wishes to you!
We wish you a happy birthday with a lot of love my dear friend. happy birthday Status
Thank you for being my friend and for making my life colorful. May God pour out upon you his eternal blessings. We wish you a happy birthday!
You deserve all the happiness in the world because you are a great person and my best friend. We wish you a happy birthday Friend!
Your birthday today! May this day be filled with bright smiles, great laughter, and great joy. Happy Birthday my friend!
Thank you for coming to this world for one purpose only, to be the person who annoys me the most. You’re good! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday wishes in Hindi Shayari
We wish you a happy birthday great friend! May all your dreams come true. happy birthday Status
We wish you a happy birthday. I hope every day of your life will be filled with joy and happiness. happy birthday Status
There are not many people who would say that they have a friend whom they can trust blindly. I can say this because you are my true friend. Happy Birthday!
May this birthday be yoursing and full of joy as you celebrate the year to be more mature and beautiful. Happy Birthday!
On this special day, I want you to know that I will always be with you, in all the strengths and difficulties in life. We wish you a happy birthday full of explosions!
As we both grow older, our friendship becomes stronger and stronger. Thank you for being my friend for one year of your life. happy birthday Status
On this day, you deserve the most delicious cakes and the warmest hug. May your life always shine brightly above all else. happy birthday Status
May the blessings of God be poured out upon you today like raindrops and fill your life with joy, success, and prosperity! happy birthday Status
Thank you for being a part of my life all these years. Thanks to you, I can enjoy my life to the full. I wish you all the best in the world today. Happy Birthday!
Birthday wishes in Hindi for friend
I really hope it exploded yesterday. You are always very important to me. Sorry for the delay. Happy birthday, dear dear.
We wish you a happy birthday! I love the way you make my life special; may every day of your life be very special too.
Not everyone can be as lucky as me because I have one better person as my friend. Thank you all, my dear. Happy Birthday to you!
I am so happy to have you in my life. You were always there when I needed you. You were the one who always stood by me no matter what. Lots of good returns for the day.
You are not just my friend, Gradually and you became my family. You mean so much to me. Thanks for being there. I love you.
We wish you a happy birthday! May all your wishes be fulfilled by the blowing of candles on your birthday cake! I love you!
Happy birthday my friend. You deserve all the joys of this world. May God anoint you with love and joy forever. Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi.
I hope you know that I will always be close to you whenever you need me. In good times and bad, I will always be with you. Happy Birthday!
My dear friend, thank you for being born, and thank you for being my friend. We are all very fortunate to have you among us. Happy Birthday!
Birthday wishes images for friend
May all happiness today be with you forever. May this day give you many smiles and moments to remember. Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi.
I hope this birthday is the one you should remember for the rest of your life. May you rejoice as a child and rejoice as a king. Happy Birthday!
For this birthday, you need an information box above the chocolate box. That information is number one for you. Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi.
If the number of candles represents the wisdom of a person instead of his age, you will never take out a candle on your birthday. We wish you a happy birthday dear friend!
You may not look good, but you will always need the help of my mind to shine in life. Because you lack brains, dear friend. Happy Birthday!
If you lack the fun in life, just look at your face in the mirror. No wonder I laugh so much when I’m with you. Birthday Wishes For Best Friend In Hindi.
Some people are insane and irritable while others are born dehydrated and look cool. We wish you a happy birthday, my friend, you are awesome!