Provincial Day (Civic Holiday), Quotes, Messages 2023 – Civic Holiday is a name that is used in some parts of Canada to commemorate the first Monday of August. It is only officially known by that term in Nunavut, the northwestern region, Prince Edward Island, and Manitoba. It is a statutory holiday in the northwest region and Prince Edward Island in Nunavut, but not in Manitoba.

Event Details –

This event is running from 1 August 2016 until 7 August 2023. It is next occurring on August 1, 2023

Categories: Holiday

Tags: holiday

Upcoming Dates: August 3, 2020, August 2, 2021, August 1, 2022, August 7, 2023

History of Civic Holiday

Provincial Day ( Civic Holiday), Quotes, Messages 2020
Provincial Day ( Civic Holiday), Quotes, Messages 2023

Many cities in Canada started enjoying public holidays in early August or early summer. It was a holiday that not only varied from city to city but changed from year to year in the same city.

Every year in cities, the mayor will declare a civil holiday for residents. After this, the shops will close and people will proceed towards the railway to enjoy a picnic. The idea took a long time to spread and Manitoba began hosting annual public holidays around this time.

With the passage of time, the holiday became more standardized and most festivities eventually took place on the first Monday of August.

Civic Holiday is now a statutory holiday in Columbia, British Saskatchewan, Nunavut, New Brunswick, and Northwest Territories. This is known as Heritage Day; In Ontario, it is known as Simco Day; In Nova Scotia, it is known as Natal Day and in Manitoba as Terry Fox Day.

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